Richness, structure and environmental relations in a National Forest in Southeast Brazil




phytosociology, semideciduous seasonal forest, fragmentation, atlantic rain forest


Because of forest fragmentation, the edge effect can lead to changes in the plant community. This study was carried out in conservation units remaining of Semidecidual Seasonal Forest in Espírito Santo Southern State. The objective was to describe the floristic composition, tree structure and microclimate in border and interior areas of the forest fragment. For data collection, 39 fixed area plots were demarcated on the border and in the interior. All individuals with DBH > 5 cm were sampled. There were 167 species in the border and 314 in the interior, being 73 exclusive for edge and 220 for interior. The analysis of floristic similarity, based on the Sorensen index, is an indicator of the distinction between the species of the border and the interior of the fragment. Air and soil temperatures tend to be higher at the edges and lower in the interior, while the relative humidity of the air exhibits opposite behavior. Considering the importance of the environment and highlighting the significant vegetal richness in the studied fragment, it is justified the need of this area to be prioritized in management and conservation programs of the vegetation in the region, especially in forest border environments.


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How to Cite

Patrícia Borges Dias, Laylla Nunes Moreira, Gilson Fernandes da Silva, José Eduardo Macedo Pezzopane, & Henrique Machado Dias. (2021). Richness, structure and environmental relations in a National Forest in Southeast Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 14(4), 1-8.



Forest Sciences