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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The Author Contributions, according to the CrEdit taxonomy, Conflict of Interest and Funding Sources sections will be informed in a supplementary document attached at the time of submission.
  • Research involving humans and animals must present an opinion of approval from an institutional ethics committee already in the submission, as supplementary document, as well as refer to the protocol in Materials and Methods.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being evaluated by another journal.
  • Under penalty of the submission being rejected, the identification of authorship of this work was removed from the file and from the Properties option in Word, thus guaranteeing the confidentiality for peer review.
  • The files for submission are in Microsoft Word format.
  • All URL addresses in the text are active and ready to click.
  • The text is in 1.5 space; with Times New Roman font, size 12; with figures and tables inserted in the text immediately after their citation.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, in the About the Journal section.
  • The submission of the manuscript is acknowledged and authorized by all authors.
  • The authors are aware that manuscripts in Portuguese or Spanish, if accepted, must be translated into English at a cost for the authors. Exclusively at the Editors criteria, professional language of English manuscripts might be required, at authors cost.

Author Guidelines

A publication fee will be charged R$ 400.00 (U$ 80,00 for international payment) regardless of the number of diagrammed pages, paid directly to the publishing company. We also inform you that articles accepted in a foreign language might be required to be submitted to specialized linguistic review services, with final acceptance conditioned to proof of this review.

We ask that you carefully observe the new Author Guidelines for all sections.

Diretrizes para Autores
Guidelines for Authors
Directrizes para Autores


Default section policy.

Food Science

Default section policy.

Forest Sciences

Default section policy.

Agricultural Engineering

Default section policy.

Animal Science

Default section policy.

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