About the Journal

Focus and Scope
The Brazilian Journal of Agricultural Sciences is a scientific journal published by the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE) to disseminate the scientific knowledge in the Agricultural Sciences. The journal aims to publish original and unpublished articles, written in Portuguese, English or Spanish, in the areas of Agronomy, Food Science, Agricultural Engineering, Forest Resources and Forestry Engineering, Fisheries Resources and Fisheries Engineering and Animal Science.

The Journal is indexed at AGRIS (International Information System for the Agricultural Science and Technology); AGROBASE (Coordenadoria Geral de Informação Documental Agrícola – CENAGRI/Ministério da Agricultura); CAB International (Centre for Agriculture and BioSciences International); DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals); Latindex; Scopus; Sumarios.org; and Web of Science

The manuscript submitted for publication must be registered on the journal's editorial system by the corresponding author who will be responsible on behalf of all authors. Manuscripts will only be accepted after they have been reviewed and approved by the Editorial Board, and that have not been published or submitted for publication in another vehicle, except for those presented at conferences, as abstracts.

Peer Review Process 
All manuscripts will be submitted to pre-selection and those that do not fit the journal's publication policy or do not bring relevant scientific contribution will be rejected by the Editorial Team. Pre-selected manuscripts may be returned for reformulation, before being forwarded for further analysis by three Reviewers and language review. With the help of reviewers' opinions and suggestions on the first version of the manuscript, the Editorial Team may refuse it or request a second version that will be evaluated again. In its second version, the manuscript may be refused, approved and/or returned to the author(s) for a third version. At any stage, the final decision on the manuscript will be taken by the Editorial team, as well as the right to suggest or request changes to the text. In general, the suggestions of the Consultants and the Editorial Team must be incorporated by the author(s) which have the right not to comply with them, upon justification evaluated by the Consultant(s) and the Editorial Team. Once approved, the manuscript is sent for language review and, before its layout, if necessary, additional information will be requested from the corresponding author. Subsequently, the manuscript is sent to the author(s) as a pdf document, for final review and, if necessary, communication of necessary corrections. After the incorporation of the requested corrections, the document is published in the editorial system as a pdf. After publication, any errors found by authors or readers, when communicated to the Editorial team, will be corrected through errata. The author(s) will be able to follow the manuscript analysis process through the Journal's editorial system. It is suggested to the author(s) that, before submitting their manuscript(s), they carry out a pre¬evaluation, observing the items contained in the consultants' opinion forms on pre-selection and selection of manuscripts, available on the journal's portal. The subjects, data and concepts issued in this Journal are the exclusive responsibility of the authors. The eventual citation of products and trademarks does not mean a recommendation for use by the Journal. Reproduction of published manuscripts is permitted, provided the source is cited. The maximum deadlines for returning corrected manuscripts by the author(s) are 30 days for the 1st version and 20 days for the 2nd and 3rd versions, counting from the date of correspondence sent to the author(s) by the Editor.

-  Four issues per year (quarterly);

- Website manager of reception and monitoring of articles.

Open Access Policy
This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge available to the public free of charge provides greater world democratization of knowledge.

The Brazilian Journal of Agricultural Sciences adopts the Gold Open Access standard and does not require a submission fee. Authors of accepted manuscripts must pay an editing and publishing fee of R$ 400,00 or U$ 80,00 for international payments, independently of diagrammed pages, directly to the editing company. Manuscripts submitted in Portuguese or Spanish, after acceptance, will be translated to English by a company selected by the authors in a list of companies whose service is recognized by the Editors, at their cost.


- Agricola
- Agrobase
- BVS-Vet,org.br
- CAB International
- EBSCO Publishing
- Emerging Sources Citation Report
- Latindex
- Open J-Gate
- Scopus
- Scholares.net
- Sumários de Revistas Brasileiras
- Periódica
- Portal Livre
- Qualis/CAPES

- Web of Science