Phytosociological structure and sucessional classification of arboreus component in a fragment of a Dense Ombrophylous Forest, Igarassu – Pernambuco


  • Carlos F. L. S. Brandão Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
  • Luiz C. Marangon Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
  • Rinaldo L. C. Ferreira Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
  • Ana C. B. Lins e Silva Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco



Atlantic forest, forest fragment, Brazil


This work aimed to analyze the phytossociological structure and successional classification and to identify the level of occupation of lianas in a fragment of a Dense Arborous Forest, Igarassu – PE, with an area of 48.84 hectares. It was divided into 40 plots of 10 x 25 meters (10.000 m2), individuals with
CAP ? 10 cm were sampled and heights estimated with a height pruning scissors with 2 meter modules. In the area 99 species were identified, distributed in 42 families, totaling 1,793 individuals. As for successional classification, the majority of the species is at pioneering and initial secondary, suggesting
that the area is in initial succession. The families Myrtaceae and Mimosaceae contributed in large number of species (24). The most numerous families were Lecythidaceae, Anacardiaceae and Araliaceae (635 individuals). Tapirira guianensis Aubl., Eschweilera ovata (Cambess.) Miers, Schefflera morototoni
(Aubl.) Maguire, Steyerm. & Frodin, Dialium guianense (Aubl.) Sandwith, Byrsonima sericea DC., Inga thibaudiana Benth., Thyrsodium spruceanum Benth., Cupania racemosa Mart., Bowdichia virgilioides Kunth. e Miconia prasina (Sw.) DC are the species that can be highlighted. The Shannon – Wiener (H’)
diversity rate of 3,685 nats/ind. is inside the patterns found among studies carried out in Pernambuco. The majority of individuals do not present infestation for Lianas.


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Author Biography

Ana C. B. Lins e Silva, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco





How to Cite

Brandão, C. F. L. S. ., Marangon, L. C. ., Ferreira, R. L. C. ., & Lins e Silva, A. C. B. . (2022). Phytosociological structure and sucessional classification of arboreus component in a fragment of a Dense Ombrophylous Forest, Igarassu – Pernambuco. Brazilian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 4(1), 55-61.



Forest Sciences