Automation to improve pig welfare using fuzzy logic




control systems, rural buildings, precision livestock farming, ventilation


One of the challenges in precision livestock farming is controlling the variables that affect production and automation for actuator triggering. Automated systems with fuzzy logic allow the integration of expert knowledge from various contexts, facilitating the adoption of animal welfare practices. The objective of this study was to compare a fuzzy logic-based system model with a proportional control-based system model for regulating environmental conditions in pig pens. Through input variables such as temperature, relative air humidity and ammonia levels, the system output was the activation of fans/extractors and the opening/closing of curtains. MATLAB® software was used to model the systems and simulate actions to promote animal welfare. When comparing the efficiency of the fuzzy logic-based system with the proportional control system, it was observed that the output result of the fuzzy model was faster in 90.1% of the samples, with its average output in rpm being 12.7% higher than the proportional control system. The proposed fuzzy logic control system demonstrates efficiency for use in precision livestock farming processes.


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How to Cite

Aldie Trabachini, Clóvis Souza Dias, Michele Rocha Moreira, Tung Chiun Wen, Fernando Lima Caneppele, Érik Santos Harada, Magno Nascimento Amorim, & Késia Oliveira Silva Miranda. (2024). Automation to improve pig welfare using fuzzy logic. Brazilian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 19(3), e3532.



Animal Science